Where Can You Print a Passport Photo in the US?

These days there are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to passport photos, including selected photography studios, instore photo booths or even applications that allow you to take your own photos from the luxury of home. Read through this article to learn all about where you can print a passport photo in the US, including the costs and more details about each option. Remember that official services only accept photos printed on professional paper, and you should also check if the paper should be glossy or not.

Photography Studios and Stores with Professional Photographers

These days not many people choose to go to a professional photography studio for passport photos, but it is still an option. Professional photographers can assist you in meeting all of the requirements and getting a high-quality image.

The only flipside is that it can be embarrassing trying to get the perfect photo in front of a stranger, and so in the end you might prefer to take your own photo from the comfort of home using an app like Smartphone iD. Professional photography is also the most expensive way to have your passport photo taken.

Big Retail Stores, including Walmart, Target and Costco

It is possible to upload your passport photos onto the Walmart photograph center website so that you can pick up prints later at your nearest Walmart. The printing services at Walmart costs $7.44 to get Walmart passport photos.

You can also upload and print your passport photographs at Target, but you need to register on the site first. Target passport photos are expensive, costing $12.99 for the standard set of 2 pictures.

Costco printing services are able to assist you in getting a passport photograph, but you need to get a membership. Members pay $4.99 for 4 passport photos, making this option one of the most affordable around.

Post Offices and Passport Offices in Your Town

Although the number of US passport offices has decreased by over 10% in the last few years, there are still over 8 thousand facilities. Many of these passport offices offer passport photograph services, but not all of them do so it is a good idea to phone ahead and check before heading in store.

Pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS and Duane Reade

There are literally thousands of Rite Aid (now Walgreens) stores which offer passport photo printing services. Walgreens allows you to take and print photos in the Walgreens photo department or booth. It takes between 1 and 2 hours for Walgreens photos to process and print. The Walgreens passport photo printing service is priced at $14.99 for a set of 2 passport photos, making this option one of the more expensive ones.

The CVS photograph printing departments allows users to edit and print US passport photos at a CVS photo booth. The cost of CVS photos is $14.99, putting it right up there with Walgreens and Target.

Duane Reade is a pharmacy with more than 250 locations across the United States. The Duane Reade passport photograph price is also $14.99 – the same as Walgreens as they are owned by the company.

Delivery Companies, including UPS, FedEx and USPS

UPS stores can assist in the preparation of passport photos. You will be required to make an online appointment so as to ensure that the services are available. The cost of UPS passport photos is $11.99.

An alternative solution for getting a passport photo is via using the FedEx services. FedEx passport pictures are taken directly in the FedEx office. The cost of FedEx passport photos is $14.95.

You can get a passport photo taken at the nearest USPS office for $15. You can also apply for a passport at the location.

Solution for a printed passport photo online

There are so many options when it comes to choosing a place for printing a passport photo in the USA. While all of the above mentioned places offer to take your photo in store, it is often more worthwhile taking it yourself at home. Smartphone iD is the solution for taking a passport photo from home. Use our online passport photo tool take a photo and receive it quickly your photo in valid format. They are guaranteed to be accepted by the government. Smartphone iD sends two types of photo formats to your email – one that you can use directly, and the second in a “plaquette” style.

You can also order a printed version through the app to be delivered to your doorstep! Make as many passport photos as you want and choose the one you like. The digital photo can be used multiple times, e.g., for a company badge, student licence, etc…

It is a perfect solution for passports because each country has it’s own standards, that often even vary between different official document types. You don’t need to learn or search for the dimensions, it is all automatically done within the app.

Try it out now the cheapest solution for printed passport photos in the United States. You will save your money, time and energy!