How much do you pay for a passport photo in the UK?

Before applying for a passport, no matter if you plan to do it online or with a paper form, you are obliged to prepare several passport photos. You can take it at a photographer’s studio, in a photo booth, or even on your own. However, do you know the price of such a photo? How much do you pay for a passport photo in the UK? Read this article, we will try to allay your doubts on this matter!

A photographer – how much am I going to pay?

The price of a photo highly depends on several factors, such as the location of a photographer’s studio. For instance, a professional in the centre of London charges more than someone in the suburbs, because, for example, the costs of living there are much higher. However, competition may result in lowering the price. Anyway, the average price for a passport photo may usually vary:

  • from £15
  • to £20 per 4 passport photos.

A photo booth – how much am I going to pay?


According to the location of a photo booth, it is easier and cheaper to arrange a place for it. Moreover, there is no need to employ anyone to work in it continuously. Hence, the average price of a photo taken in a photo booth is relatively lower than that of a photo taken by a professional.

In year 2O25 photo booth price are as follows :

  • Max Spielmann £12.99
  • Super Snaps £13.99
  • Photo me £8.99

How much will I pay for a passport photo taken on my own?

You are allowed to take a passport photo on your own, as long as it conforms to all official requirements. To make sure your photo is respects the HMPO standards, use the Smartphone iD app. A trained professional will first review and approve your photo. Then it will be sent to your email or delivered to your doorstep, whichever your prefer.

Smartphone iD app allows you to:

  • get a valid photo from home,
  • receive photo for the best price on market,
  • be confident that your photo will be accepted
  • save time and do it faster,
  • reuse the digital photo multiple times.

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