Are you planning any upcoming trips to the UK for business, study, or vacation? Whatever your motivation is for coming to such a wonderful country, your visa should receive proper consideration. But keep in mind that this procedure involves more than just gathering paperwork and traveling to the British consulate. Another crucial component of your visa application is your official picture. If there are any prerequisites missing from your visa photo, your application will be denied, forcing you to postpone your trip. If you want to avoid any issues regarding your visa photo, use the smartphone iD app now and get your pictures within hours checked by our AI software.
Photo for Visa Near Me
You can get your photo for Visa through a lot of options. You can go to a photo booth near you, a professional photographer, or use our online app and convert your phone into a photo booth.
Requirements for your Visa Photo
- Your photos must not be older than six months.
- Your photos must maintain a sharp focus on the task at hand.
- Photographs should be taken against a plain white background.
- You are required to provide an up-close shot of your entire head and shoulders.
- Head coverings are allowed, but your facial features, from the bottom of your chin to the top of your forehead, as well as both edges of your face, must be always clearly visible.
- You may dress in an informal manner. Keep in mind that you are not permitted to wear any uniforms.
- The photographs must only feature you, with no other subjects or people, and must adhere to the dimensions outlined in the diagram below.
- You should be in front of the camera, looking directly into the lens, maintaining a neutral expression, and keeping your mouth closed. You should not have anything covering your face.
- In stark contrast to the surrounding environment, with eyes that are both open and visible, and unimpeded by the reflection or glare of glasses
- Your eyes must not be obscured by anything, such as your hair, glasses frames, tinted glasses, or sunglasses,
- Your photograph has to be without any instances of “red-eye,” and without any discernible shadows.
- Avoid the use of filters. When retouching your photo, be cautious to leave important facial features, such as wrinkles, scars, and birthmarks, apparent.