How to Apply for a Residence Permit in the UAE

Foreigners who wish to work or live inside the United Arab Emirates for the long-term must apply for a UAE Residence Visa. Read on to learn exactly how to get yours.

Applying for a UAE Residence Visa

You have no choice but to apply for a residence visa after you have landed in the United Arab Emirates. This means you need to enter the country with only an entry permit and you will find out if you qualify for a residence visa later. Furthermore, in the majority of cases, a person can’t apply for their own residence visa. Instead, a sponsor is needed to apply on the person’s behalf, such as their spouse or employer.

Who is Eligible for UAE Residence Visa Applications?

It is only possible to apply for the UAE Residence Visa with a sponsor, but in some cases a person can be their own sponsor.

  • Work Visa (sponsored by employer)
  • Student Visa (sponsored by school)
  • Family Visa (sponsored by family member)
  • If you buy property or are an investor, a person can apply directly and the property/company acts as sponsor

How to Apply for the UAE Residence Visa?

The first step is for the person’s sponsor to obtain an entry permit for the person at one of the following spots:

  • Mobile apps for android and Apple
  • ICA eChanel portal
  • The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship
  • The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) online or in a licensed centre.

Once in the country, the person’s sponsor must apply for the UAE Residence Visa at the GDRFA of the correct emirate in which the person will be living. There is a fee that must be paid at the time of application (see below).  After the application has been approved, the GDRFA will place a Residence Visa onto the person’s passport. They will also receive a special Emirates Identity document, valid for the duration of the visa.

UAE Residence Visa Costs

The cost of a UAE Residence Visa is subject to change based on the duration the visa has been issued for. For a one year period, the fee is AED100 ($27.22). Over and above this, a person must also pay a processing fee that varies based on where they apply. It can range from AED40 ($10.89) – AED70 ($19.06), with it being more economical to apply online. Remember that visa fees change from year to year and that more costs are incurred for health insurance and medical exams.

How Long is the Document Valid For?

The duration of the residence visa for the UAE varies depending on the purposes of your stay. Most permits are issued for between 1 and 3 years, and these can be renewed. Investment and retirement visas on the other hand are issued for between 5 and 10 years, and are also renewable.